2022年06月01日 学会誌
日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が公開されました。
Naoki Yamamoto, Eri Chatani
"Multistep growth of amyloid intermediates and its inhibition toward exploring therapeutic way: A case study using insulin B chain and fibrinogen"
Understanding molecular mechanisms about how prefibrillar intermediates, which accumulate prior to the amyloid fibril formation, convert to amyloid fibril is crucial for exploring therapeutic ways against amyloid-related diseases. We have developed a model system suitable for this purpose using an insulin-derived amyloid-prone peptide and fibrinogen as an amyloid inhibitor, in which it was shown that preventing the structural development of prefibrillar intermediate is crucial for the inhibition of fibril formation.
Biophysics Physicobiology, 2022, Volume 19, Article ID: e190017