
「Biophysics and Physicobiology」に Tetsushi Komoto, Masashi Fujii, Akinori Awazu による "Epigenetic-structural changes in X chromosomes promote Xic pairing during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells" を掲載

2022年06月01日 学会誌

日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が公開されました。

Tetsushi Komoto, Masashi Fujii, Akinori Awazu
"Epigenetic-structural changes in X chromosomes promote Xic pairing during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells"

Since the discovery of X chromosome inactivation center (Xic) pairing during cell differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells, their physiological roles have been variously suggested. However, the driving force promoting such a dynamical process in crowded nuclei was not elucidated. The present study developed mathematical models of chromosomes in ES cells and early-differentiated cells based on their structural and epigenomic features. The experimental data analysis showed the drastic change in the distributions of open and closed chromatin regions on the X-chromosome during cell differentiation. The simulations of these models suggested such epigenomic changes promoted Xic pairing.

Biophysics Physicobiology, 2022, Volume 19, Article ID: e190018

URL: https://doi.org/10.2142/biophysico.bppb-v19.0018
