2021年05月28日 会合
主催団体名:European Society for Photobiology (ヨーロッパ光生物学会)
Please allow us to cordially invite you to the 19th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology that will take place in the virtual space from August 30 to September 3, 2021.
We highly appreciate to receive your registration and abstract at your earliest convenience. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to May 31st, 2021 and and for early registration to June 7th, 2021. Please do not hesitate to contact us any time in case you have questions.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the congress!
Kind regards,
Franz Trautinger, /ESP President/
Kristjan Plaetzer, /Chair Local Organizing Committee/
URL: https://salzburg2021.photobiology.eu