2018年11月02日 会合
International Conference on Image Processing, Computing and Big Data
IPCBD 2018 | November 29-30, 2018 | Hong Kong
IPCBD2018 provides a scientific platform for both local and international scientists, engineers and technologists who work in all aspects of Image Processing, Computing and Big Data. In addition to the contributed papers, internationally known experts from several countries are also invited to deliver keynote and invited speeches at IPCBD2018.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Due: November 12, 2018
Authors' Registration: November 17, 2018
Conference Dates: November 29-30, 2018
Hotel Information
Contact Us
Tel:+86 15927561725
E-mail: ipcbd2018(at)163.com
E-mail: ipcbd2018(at)sina.com
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)
URL: http://www.ipcbd.org/