2017年05月19日 公募
(1)生命・錯体分子科学研究領域 生体分子機能研究部門 助教1名
資 格:修士課程修了者又はこれと同等以上の学力を有する者。
任 期:6年を目途に転出を推奨する。(詳細は、ホームページhttps://www.ims.ac.jp/recruit/kenkyukikan.htmlを参照)
(1) 推 薦 書(自薦の場合は必要ありません。)
(2) 履 歴 書(所定書式に従って下さい。)
(3) 研究業績の概要(A4用紙で3ページ以内 [今後の抱負を含めてもよい。])
(4) 業績リスト(所定様式に従って下さい。)
(5) 主要論文5編以内の論文別刷又はプレプリント 各2部
(1) 送付先
〒444-8585 愛知県岡崎市明大寺町字西郷中38番地
岡崎統合事務センター 総務部総務課 人事係
(「生体分子機能研究部門助教 公募書類在中」と朱書きして、簡易書留で送付すること。)
(2) 問い合わせ先(給与等の待遇を含む。)
岡崎統合事務センター 総務部総務課 人事係 電話:0564-55-7113
Open position in the Division of Biomolecular Functions, Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Okazaki, Japan
Position Title:Assistant Professor (The successful candidate is required to work in collaboration with Professor Koichi Kato. (https://www.ims.ac.jp/en/research/prof/katok.html)).
Research Field:Development of frontier bioscience from a viewpoint of biomolecular science
Required qualifications for the candidate:Applicants should possess a M.Sc. degree, Ph.D. degree or an equivalent scientific career.
Terms:Tenured, however encouraged to transfer to a position outside the institute after approximately six years. https://www.ims.ac.jp/en/recruit/kenkyukikan.html
Deadline for application:July 10, 2017
Starting date:As early as possible.
Required documents for application:
1) Recommendation letter(s); optional
2) CV (including date of birth, gender, educational background and work experiences)
3) Summary of research achievements (future research plans may also be included;
less than 3 pages in total on A4 paper).
4) List of publications and invited talks
5) Reprints or preprints of five selected publications at maximum.
For details, see https://www.ims.ac.jp/en/recruit/teisyutu.html.
Please note that documents will not be returned to applicants.
Selection process:
Candidates will be selected by a personnel committee of the Institute for Molecular Science.
The committee may withhold selection if there is no suitable person for the position.
In accordance with the NINS employee compensation regulation. The annual salary system will be applied.
Please send the application by postal mail to the address below;
Personnel section, Okazaki Administration Center, NINS
Nishigonaka 38, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, JAPAN
(Indicate "Application documents enclosed" on the envelope in red.)
Application from outside Japan may be submitted by email to the Personnel section (r7113(at)orion.ac.jp). The subject of the email should be ‘Application for assistant professorship to Prof. Koichi Kato’, and the main text should contain your name and ‘Position title: Assistant Professor’ at the beginning. Documents should be formatted in PDF. If the total amount of the data exceeds 20 MB, divide into multiple PDF files and send by separate emails. Notification of receipt will be sent within four working days. In case you do not receive a notification, please contact the Personnel section.
For further information (Including salary and other benefits);
Personnel section, Okazaki Administration Center, NINS
Nishigonaka 38, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, JAPAN
E-mail: r7113(at)orion.ac.jp
IMS complies with Equal Employment Opportunities Law and is committed to promoting gender equality.(https://www.ims.ac.jp/en/recruit/sankaku.html)
Our support measures for researchers, regardless of gender, who have childcare and family care responsibilities are found from here. (https://www.ims.ac.jp/en/about/bunshi_sankaku.html)