2015年06月22日 会合
Date: May 24-May 27, 2016
Location: Isparta, Turkey
The deadline for sending the abstracts of the poster:March 25,2016
Early Registration Deadline: March 25, 2016
Oxidative stress has an important role in etiology of many diseases. Oxidative stress dependent calcium ion (Ca2+) entry is an important second messenger that has been shown to be responsible for a number of signal transduction pathways including neuronal excitability, metabolism, cell proliferation, and cell death. Different types of Ca2+ channels, such as voltage gated calcium channels (VGCC) and chemically gated calcium channels, likely play an important role in the diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer and pain. Apart from the VGCC and chemically gated channels, one family of Ca2+ channels comprises transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels and they were first described in photoreceptors of Drosophila flyers. As potential target on treatment of many diseases, activation and inhibition mechanisms of most TRP channels haven’t clarified yet.
Since 2006, we have been organizing a biennale oxidative stress, calcium signaling and TRP channels congress series. The congress is regularly organized unique TRP channel congress on the world. There was three hundred seventy two participants in the last (2014) congress (34 speaks, 10 oral presentations and 174 poster presentations). The abstracts of the oral presentation were published in Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research. We have since received a considerable amount of positive feedback encouraging us to organize a sixth congress, with even greater international participation. With the help of the vice chairs, Dr. James Putney and Dr. Mohamed Trebak, I have therefore decided to proceed with the organization of the ''6th World Congress of Oxidative Stress, Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels'' (Former Name: International Congress on Cell Membranes and Oxidative Stress Focus on: Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels). It will be held between 24 and 27 May 2016 in Isparta, Turkey.
One of the most important aims of this Congress is to bring scientist from all around the world to Turkey, a country which has long served a role as a bridge between two continents. With this purpose we have invited scientists from abroad who are specialists in the topics of the Congress.
Turkey has many historical and touristic popular places. Isparta, the land of roses and lakes, located in the western Mediterranean region of Turkey has a rich flora and fauna.
Popularity of rose growing in Isparta has developed the rose industry in the city. Rose oil and all kinds of rose products consumed in the domestic market and also exported to all over the world. In addition, Isparta is also the first rank in view of apple-producing in the Turkey. Handmade carpets and rugs with the traditional motifs of the Isparta are also very famous and recommended to buy. Egirdir and Golcuk lakes are called as "gold triangle". Isparta is a city which has the most lakes and ponds in the World. We plan to organize some social activities during or around the congress, including a Pamukkale tour, which is famous for its travertines, and also Egirdir lake tours.
Apart from the programs of participants, we have specific programs for spouse and children of the participants (please see web page of the congress for detail).
We will also organize three optional courses on Patch-Clamp, Cell Culture and Western Blotting.
We look forward to seeing you in Isparta in May 2016.
Email: biophysics(at)sdu.edu.tr
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URL: http://www.cmos.org.tr/2016/en/