2014年11月12日 学会誌
Eisaku Katayama
"3-D structural analysis of the crucial intermediate of skeletal muscle myosin and its role in revised actomyosin cross-bridge cycle"
【Editor's Summary】
Structure of the crucial intermediate of skeletal muscle myosin and its role in revised actomyosin cross-bridge cycle
Skeletal myosin-S1 consists of a catalytic-domain and a lever-arm. Since the crystal structure of ADP/Vi-bound-S1 exhibits a strong intramolecular flexure between two, inter-conversion between bent and extended forms is accepted as the molecular mechanism of muscle-contraction. We observed in vitro actin-sliding myosin by quick-freeze deep-etch replica electron microscopy and found the existence of a novel oppositely-bent configuration, similar to SH1–SH2-cross-linked myosin; an analogue of the transient intermediate of the cross-bridge-cycle. The scheme of cross-bridge-cycle was revised including this novel structure. The novel conformer keeps actin-binding until it forms a primed configuration. All the images and phenomena are adequately explained.
BIOPHYSICS, Vol.10, pp. 89-97
URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biophysics/10/0/10_89/_article