2014年09月08日 学会誌
Harshita Sharma, Fumihito Ohtani, Parmila Kumari,
Deepti Diwan, Naoko Ohara, Tetsuya Kobayashi, Miho Suzuki,
Naoto Nemoto, Yoshibumi Matsushima, Koichi Nishigaki
" Familial clustering of mice consistent to known pedigrees enabled by the genome profiling (GP) method"
【Editor's Summary】
個体間の近親性解明が、動物行動学や人間社会現象で求められている。現行の中心技術が法医学的に認知されたShort Tandem Repeat法である。しかし、STRは、例えば飛行機事故や津波などで求められる多数の身元特定は、十分な手がかりがないときには、実験量の膨大化だけではなく、そもそも最終的解明が難しい。このような場合に、本研究で開発したゲノム距離(GP)法が一定の有効性を発揮する可能性が、マウス家系解析から示された。
Familial relationship of mice successfully revealed without a priori information by the genome distance approach
Short Tandem Repeat (STR) method is the most common approach for revealing the familial relationship among animals and human beings. Thus, currently, to solve such types of problems posed by disasters, STR is the first to be trusted. However, without sufficient preceding knowledge, its application meets with the requirement of a lot of experiments and insufficient conclusions. In this field, the genome distance-based approach was shown to be effective by the experiments using mice families. This is the first demonstration that the genome profiling (GP) method is usable to elucidate close familial relationships.
BIOPHYSICS, Vol.10, pp. 55-62
URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biophysics/10/0/10_55/_article