2013年11月20日 会合
主催: 沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)
日時:2014年4月21日 (月)〜25日 (金)
場所:沖縄科学技術大学院大学 シーサイドハウス
言語: 英語
登録:無料 (ホームページより申し込み)
Date: Apr 21 – Apr 25, 2014
Venue: OIST Seaside House
Language: English
Registration: Free (from Website)
Deadline: Feb 20, 2014
The OIST workshop, “Single Protein Dynamics in cellulo: Spatio-temporal,
Structural and Quantitative Analyses” (SPDC2014), will convoke outstanding
scientists with diverse backgrounds, to discuss quantitative analysis of proteins
in living cells in space and time.
SPDC2014 will focus on the conformational space attained by proteins in their
cellular environment and quantitative and structural analyses of individual
proteins. Genomics and proteomics allow us to understand interacting networks
of most, if not all, proteins in cells, but quantitative analysis of proteins in
space and time in living cells is largely lacking. Quantitative data will allow more
exact modeling of protein function and reaction rates, to better understand
dynamics in the cell. While subsequent workshops will tackle other topics,
SPDC2014 will focus primarily on analysis of membrane proteins and proteins
that function in association with them.
Methods discussed will include HS-AFM (High-Speed Atomic Force microscopy),
cryo-ET (cryo- Electron Tomography), FCS (Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy), High-Speed Single Particle Tracking, ICS (Image Correlation
Spectroscopy), MD (Molecular Dynamics), FPI (Fluorescence Polarization
Imaging), Quantum Dots, SRM (Super-Resolution Microscopy), TIRFM (Total
Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy), and White X-ray Scattering,
among others.
We expect to have 36 participants in addition to the 17 invited lecturers.
Students and post-docs are encouraged to participate and to present posters,
some of which will be selected for short talks. Please apply online by using the
web-form on the "Application" page.
There is no registration fee. We will handle the logistics and cover the cost of
twin-share accommodation at Seaside House and meals for all workshop
participants. We will also help with arranging visas when necessary. We envision
that we will be able to ofer full fnancial support for most participants (twin-
share accommodation, meals and return airfare). We request that all applicants
indicate on the application form whether they wish to apply for full travel
*OIST is deeply committed to the advancement of women in science, in Japan and Worldwide. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. We may provide some additional support to principal child cares to enable them to attend OIST workshops.
連絡先 Contact:
SPDC 2014 Workshop Secretariat
Email: spdc.ws(at)oist.jp
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)
URL: https://groups.oist.jp/spdc