2013年03月12日 会合
Date: September 30 – October 3, 2013
Location: Salisbury Cove, Maine
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 10, 2013
Registration Deadline: July 8, 2013
The Biophysical Society and the Mount Desert Island Biological Lab (MDIBL) are
co-organizing a meeting that will provide a forum for analysis of the
mechanobiology of proteins and cellular structures by biophysicists,
biochemists (inc. structural biologists) and physiologists.
Fluctuations in extracellular osmolality elicit transmembrane water and solute
fluxes that profoundly perturb cell structure, cytoplasmic composition and cell
function. Sensors, transducers and regulators ameliorate the consequences of
those perturbations by modulating the accumulation and release of selected
solutes, the (macro) molecular composition of the cytoplasm and the skeletal
structures of the cell.
Mechanobiology is not only crucial for cell volume regulation but key to a wide
range of physiological processes and involves sensing of forces such as osmotic
pressure, membrane stretch, vibration and touch, areas that are included in the
The Biophysical Society office
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Email: meetings(at)biophysics.org
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URL: http://www.biophysics.org/2013maine