2016年07月15日 学会誌
日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が新規掲載されました。
Hiroo Imai, Nami Suzuki-Hashido, Yoshiro Ishimaru, Takanobu Sakurai, Lijie Yin, Wenshi Pan, Masaji Ishiguro, Katsuyoshi Masuda, Keiko Abe, Takumi Misaka, Hirohisa Hirai
“Amino acid residues of bitter taste receptor TAS2R16 that determine sensitivity in primates to β-glycosides”
Ligand binding mechanism of primate bitter taste receptor TAS2R16
TAS2R16 is one of the most investigated bitter taste receptors, TAS2Rs, while the crystal structure of any TAS2Rs is not solved yet. In this study, we examined the effect of amino acid residues different between primate TAS2Rs and found some residues responsible for the function of TAS2R16, binding of ligands and activation of receptors. This kind of evolutionary and mutational approach will be useful for elucidating the structure-function relationship of GPCRs including TAS2Rs in terms of ligand binding and activation of the receptors from the biophysical points of views.
Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.13, pp. 165-171
URL: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biophysico/13/0/13_165/_article