
An article with the title "Triple-color single-molecule imaging for analysis of the role of receptor oligomers in signal transduction" by Hideaki Yoshimura is published.

2022 March 27 BPPB

A following article is published in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".

Hideaki Yoshimura
"Triple-color single-molecule imaging for analysis of the role of receptor oligomers in signal transduction"

Cells sense a variety of extracellular signals and respond appropriately. The interfaces for sensing extracellular signals are membrane receptor molecules. Receptors have mechanisms to sense their cognate signals with high sensitivity while eliminating noise. A most direct approach to investigate the mechanisms of the conflicting functions of receptors is single-molecule observation in living cells. Recent advances in statistical and mathematical methods realize detailed motility analysis in single molecule imaging. In this review, potential of single-molecule imaging for solving problems in signal transduction mechanisms is illustrated through recent several works on single-molecule live-cell imaging.

Biophysics Physicobiology, 2022, Volume 19, Article ID:e190007


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