
An article with the title "Ionic strength-sensitive and pH-insensitive interactions between C-reactive protein (CRP) and an anti-CRP antibody" by Yuka Oka, Shota Ushiba, Naruto Miyakawa, Madoka Nishio, Takao Ono, Yasushi Kanai, Yohei Watanabe, Shinsuke Tani, Masahiko Kimura, Kazuhiko Matsumoto is published as the J-STAGE Advance Publication.

2022 February 09 BPPB

A following article is published as the J-STAGE Advance Publication in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".

Yuka Oka, Shota Ushiba, Naruto Miyakawa, Madoka Nishio, Takao Ono, Yasushi Kanai, Yohei Watanabe, Shinsuke Tani, Masahiko Kimura, Kazuhiko Matsumoto
"Ionic strength-sensitive and pH-insensitive interactions between C-reactive protein (CRP) and an anti-CRP antibody"


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