
An article with the title "The insights into calcium ion selectivity provided by ancestral prokaryotic ion channels" by Katsumasa Irie is published.

2021 December 04 BPPB

A following article is published in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".

Katsumasa Irie
"The insights into calcium ion selectivity provided by ancestral prokaryotic ion channels"

Prokaryotic proteins play an important role in the structural biology. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (Cavs) are indispensable for coupling action potentials with Ca2+ signaling. Cavs were also predicted to have a prokaryotic counterpart; however, it has not been identified, yet. The homotetrameric channel obtained from Meiothermus ruber generates the calcium ion specific current. This channel belongs to a different cluster of phylogenetic trees than canonical prokaryotic channels. The glycine residue of its selectivity filter is a determinant for Ca2+ selectivity. This glycine residue is well conserved among eukaryotic Cavs, suggesting that there is a universal mechanism for Ca2+ selectivity.

Biophysics Physicobiology, 2021, Volume 18, Pages 274-283


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