2024 March 01 JOBS
Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine (PRIMe) has been selected as a research center in FY 2022 World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan. This research institute aims to create a new scientific field, Human Metaverse Medicine, in which two academic fields, human organoid-based biomedical science and information mathematical science, are combined to understand and provide solutions for chronic diseases.
We are looking for one Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (Full-Time) who can join a
newly founded team led by Prof. Yoshie Harada at PRIMe, Osaka University in Japan.
1. Position Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (Full-Time)
2. Number of Positions One
3. Affiliation Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine (PRIMe), Osaka University
4. Work Location Suita Campus (2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita-City, Osaka, Japan)
5. Specialized Field Biophysics, Cell Biology
6. Responsibilities
・Development of a method for measuring the environment in the nano-region within cells
using fluorescent nanodiamonds, which are quantum sensors, and analysis of cellular
functions using the developed technology, and other projects at the Premium Research
Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine.
・Educational activities for graduate school students
7. Requirements
Applicants must have:
(1) A doctoral degree or equivalent professional expertise and/or achievement in the above
(2) Excellent research achievements in the related field/s
(3) Business level or above English and Japanese language proficiency
8. Starting Date After July 1st, 2024 (as soon as possible thereafter)
9. Term of employment
From the starting date to March 31, 2025
*Following completion of the term, the contract may be extended subject to continuity of
work and performance evaluation.
*The maximum cumulative contract term is 10 years from the starting date, based on
“Regulations Pertaining to Contract Period of National University Corporation Osaka
University Fixed-term Staff, etc.”
10. Probationary Period 6 months
11. Employment Form
Based on “38. Regulations Pertaining to Working Hours, Holidays and Leave for National
University Corporation Osaka University Limited Term Staff”
*The Discretionary Labor System, Special Work Type will be applied with the applicant’s
consent. (deemed working hours: 8 hours a day)
12. Salary
Based on “48. Salary Regulations for National University Corporation Osaka University
Limited Term Staff (Specially Appointed Staff, etc.) Subject to Annual Salary System”
Remuneration: 4,851,900 JPY ~per annum
(Monthly payments of one-twelfth of annual salary) *The salary will be decided according to
the responsibilities assigned based on the applicants’ qualifications and experience.
Commuting allowance is available.
*Bonuses and allowances for housing, dependency, and retirement are included in the abovementioned annual salary and will not be paid separately.
13. Insurance
Medical insurance and employee’s pension insurance of the Federation of National Public
Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Employment Insurance and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance
14. Application
1. A Curriculum Vitae including publication lists (original papers, review papers, books,
patents, presentations at international conferences, etc…) and contact details of potential
2. A short summary of conducted research and current interest (within two A4 pages)
*Personal information in the application documents will only be used for the purpose of
screening and hiring procedures and will not be disclosed to any third party.
15. Sending Address
and Contact
Please submit by e-mail:
yharada★protein.osaka-u.ac.jp (Please replace “★” with @)
*Write “Application for Specially Appointed Assistant Professor in Harada Group
*Attach the application documents in PDF format (with full security countermeasures).
*Please Cc to i-prime-syomu★office.osaka-u.ac.jp (General Affairs Division WPI-PRIMe)
when emailing.(Please replace “★” with @)
General Affairs Division, Premium Research Institute for
Human Metaverse Medicine (WPI-PRIMe), Osaka University
TEL: +81-6-6210-8312
e-mail: i-prime-syomu★office.osaka-u.ac.jp(Please replace “★” with @)
16. Application
April 30, 2024 (Japan Standard Time) * or until the position is filled
17. Selection Process
Document screening will be followed by an interview. Only selected applicants will be notified.
Travel and accommodation fees necessary for interviews are to be covered by the applicant.
Applicants may request an online interview.
18. Additional
Concerning work conditions other than above-mentioned, please refer to “36.Work
Regulations for National University Corporation Osaka University Limited Term Staff”
and/or related regulations.
Please note the above-mentioned work conditions are as of the day this employment offer is
posted, and subject to change.
In principle, there will be no changes to the affiliation, work location, or responsibilities after
“Deemed exports" related to security export control are based on “Regulations Pertaining to
Security Export Control”.
We also particularly encourage applications from female candidates.
Osaka University is committed to promoting gender equality and providing various supports
for female academic staff members.
*Osaka University campuses and related facilities are smoke-free, except for designated areas.
19. Recruiter National University Corporation Osaka University