
"Research on the molecular mechanism of singularity phenomenon in neurological disorders" by Hiroko Bannai, Akihiko Takashima, Yoshiyuki Soeda, Hideaki Yoshimura, Gen Matsumoto, Naruhiko Sahara, Michio Hiroshima, Mitsuru Hattori, Takeharu Nagai is published in BPPB as the J-STAGE Advance Publication.

2024 February 15 BPPB

A following article is published as the J-STAGE Advance Publication in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".

Hiroko Bannai, Akihiko Takashima, Yoshiyuki Soeda, Hideaki Yoshimura, Gen Matsumoto, Naruhiko Sahara, Michio Hiroshima, Mitsuru Hattori, Takeharu Nagai
"Research on the molecular mechanism of singularity phenomenon in neurological disorders"


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