2023 January 17 JOBS
Institution: Kanazawa University
URL of institution or department: https://nanolsi.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/en/
Department:Nano Life Science Institute (NanoLSI)
Institution type:National university
Content of job information:
Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) at Kanazawa University was launched in October 2017, with a support of World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) program by MEXT, Japan. At NanoLSI, we are developing various bio-scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques for visualizing nanoscale structures, dynamics and functions of biomolecules and cells. With the developed techniques, we are investigating nanoscale mechanisms of protein dynamics, cellular functions, and diseases.
We are looking for an excellent researcher who can work on the following research subjects as an "Assistant Professor" at NanoLSI.
Main Duties:
At the Prof. Shibata’s laboratory, researchers from a wide variety of fields cooperatively promote cutting-edge research aiming to uncover biological questions by using high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM). Candidates are not required to have an experience of AFM study, however, candidates should have experiences in any one of the following research fields; biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, neurobiology and cell biology.
【Specific research contents】
① We have visualized morphological dynamics of living mammalian cells by HS-AFM [Shibata et al. Sci. Rep. 5, 8724, (2015)]. Using HS-AFM combined with optical microscope, dynamic morphological changes and a protein localization of living mammalian cells will be investigated.
② We recently visualized a real-space and real-time dynamics of DNA cleavage reaction of CRISPR-Cas9 by using HS-AFM [Shibata et al. Nat. Commun. 8, 1430 (2017)]. To expand this projects, visualization of dynamics of various proteins, including membrane proteins, protein kinases and nucleases, will be investigated.
[Other References]
Shibata et al. Nat. nanotechnol., 5, 208-212, (2010)
Shibata et al. Sci. Rep. 8, 8262, (2018)
Puppulin et al. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 46, 54817–54829 (2021)
[Address of work location and other information]
Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University,
Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan
Number of Position:One
Starting date:April 1, 2023 or as early as possible if later.
Research field:
1 Area Biology Discipline Biological Sciences
2 Area Interdisciplinary science and engineering Discipline Nano/Micro science
Job type:Assistant Professor level
Employment status:Full-time(Nontenured)
Applicants must satisfy all the following requirements:
1) Ability to conduct research activities in English
2) Experience of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) research is desirable. At least, the assistant professor should be able to actively work on the development of SPM technology.
3) Experience of cell biology research is desirable. At least, the assistant professor should be able to actively work on basic cell biology studies by SPM technologies.
4) Doctoral degree (including equivalent degrees such as a PhD from overseas universities) has been conferred or will be conferred when he/she arrives at the post.
Compensation [Details of salary, working hours, holiday, period of employment and insurance, accommodation, etc.]
Assistant Professor(Three-year fixed-term contract)
[Period of employment]
Three-year fixed-term contract
Note: There is a possibility of the contract being renewed after the expiration of the employment period.
Negotiation is possible on employment start date.
[Start-up research funds]
We will provide million yen in the first year for research funding.
[Working Hours]
Working hours are determined according to the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work (7 hours and 45 minutes per day)
Basic pay, 4,200,000 yen (Annualization conversion)
Special allowance, around 1,320,000 yen (Annualization conversion)
Salary will be fluctuated by performance and evaluation after adoption.
Social Insurance: Mext Mutual Aid Association
Eligibility to Unemployment Insurance: Yes
Work Condition Details: According to the rules of Kanazawa University.
http://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/university/administration/regulation/rules (in Japanese)
Application period:
March 16, 2023 Deadline for receipt (Evaluation will be performed upon receipt of each application and, if an appropriate candidate is found, this call may be closed in about a month after the offering has started).
Application/selection/notification of result/contact details
[Application Documents]
1. CV (including research achievements such as publications, presentations, awards and research grants)
2. Outline of past research activities and proposal of research at NanoLSI (~2 pages)
3. Offprints of major publications (up to five)
4. Name, affiliation, and contact details of two references
●Please send the application form by e-mail.
(Please use at sign instead of (at)
●As we cannot receive emails larger than 5 MB, please use an upload site if the size of your email exceeds 5 MB.
●Please write "Application for Faculty Position (Prof. Shibata)" in the title of the e-mail.
[Selection process (selection method and hiring decision), notification of result]
Applicant screening and interview
※We do not cover the travel expenses associated with the interview.
[Contact details (department, official position, name, e-mail address, and phone number of the responsible person)]
<Contact Information>
Professor, Mikihiro SHIBATA
Nano Life Science Institute (NanoLSI), Kanazawa University
Tel: +81-76-264-5927
Email: msshibata(at)staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp (Please use at sign instead of (at)
If you have any questions regarding employment regulations or administrative procedures, please contact the following address.
Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University
Tel: +81-76-234-4550
Email: nanolsi-jobs(at)adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp(Please use at sign instead of (at)
Additional information
1) Please refer to the following URL for the rules and regulations regarding Kanazawa University employment regulations.
2) NanoLSI promotes the development of a diverse research and education environment; therefore, we actively welcome applications from overseas education and research experience from the perspective of aiming for diversity in human resources.
3) NanoLSI welcomes applications from female researchers under the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.
4) NanoLSI actively recruits foreign and Japanese (female) researchers.