
An article with the title "Molecular dynamics analysis of biomolecular systems including nucleic acids" by Takeru Kameda, Akinori Awazu, Yuichi Togashi is published as the J-STAGE Advance Publication.

2022 August 23 BPPB

A following article is published as the J-STAGE Advance Publication in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".

Takeru Kameda, Akinori Awazu, Yuichi Togashi
"Molecular dynamics analysis of biomolecular systems including nucleic acids"


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With the recent progress in structural biology and genome biology, structural dynamics of molecular systems that include nucleic acids has attracted attention in the context of gene regulation. The structure--function relationship is an important topic that highlights the importance of the physicochemical properties of nucleotides, as well as that of amino acids in proteins. Simulations are a useful tool for the detailed analysis of molecular dynamics that complement experiments in molecular biology; however, molecular simulation of nucleic acids is less well developed than that of proteins partly due to the physical nature of nucleic acids. In this review, we briefly describe the current status and future directions of the field as a guide to promote collaboration between experimentalists and computational biologists.

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