2020 October 18 BPPB
日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が公開されました。
Ryuma Sato, Yoshiharu Mori, Risa Matsui, Noriaki Okimoto, Junpei Yamamoto, Makoto Taiji
"Theoretical insights into the DNA repair function of Arabidopsis thaliana cryptochrome-DASH"
Although cryptochrome-DASH (CRYD) is high sequence homology with photolyases (PLs), CRYD cannot repair UV-damaged DNA. We investigated the electron transfer reactivity in terms of the electronic coupling matrix elements TDA, using theoretical methods, indicated that TDA value of CRYD is comparable with PLs. Hence CRYD will exhibit the comparable electron transfer reactivity with PLs. We furthermore explored DNA binding activity, elucidated that CRYD does not form the stable salt bridges among the specific amino acid residues and DNA, whereas PLs form their stable salt bridges. Therefore, we indicated that the stable salt bridge is important in order to DNA repair.
Biophysics Physicobiology, Vol.17, pp113-124