2016 January 29 BPPB
日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が新規掲載されました。
Hitomi Komatsu, Fumio Hayashi, Masahiro Sasa, Koji Shikata, Shigeru Yamaguchi, Keiichi Namba and Kenji Oosawa
“Genetic analysis of revertants isolated from the rod-fragile fliF mutant of Salmonella”
Structural and functional characterization of suppressor mutation for a rod fragile mutant
This paper describes isolation of a large number of revertants from the rod fragile mutant of Salmonella. Second-site mutations were identified in three regions of flagellar genes: the first group in genes for the proximal rod; the second in genes for the Mot complex; and the third in genes for the C-ring. Many of the second-site mutations were involved in the motor rotation, and reduced rotation speeds resulted in stabilizing the filament attachment to the motor. This study provides the basis for understanding flagellar stability and motor function.
Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.13, pp. 13-25