
「Biophysics and Physicobiology」に Tetsuichi Wazawa et al. “Rotational motion of rhodamine 6G tethered to actin through oligo(ethylene glycol) linkers studied by frequency-domain fluorescence anisotropy”を掲載

2015 December 04 BPPB

日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が新規掲載されました。

Tetsuichi Wazawa, Nobuyuki Morimoto, Takeharu Nagai and Makoto Suzuki 
“Rotational motion of rhodamine 6G tethered to actin through oligo(ethylene glycol) linkers studied by frequency-domain fluorescence anisotropy”

Rotational motion of a dye tethered to actin studied by frequency-domain fluorescence anisotropy

The rotational motion of a fluorescent probe tethered to a protein provides a wealth of insight into local properties of the solvent and the protein. To investigate the rotational motion of rhodamine 6G (R6G) tethered to actin, a novel instrument for frequency-domain fluorescence anisotropy measurements was devised. The wobbling motion of the R6G could be measured, which was exploited to work out the local hydrodynamic property of the solvent around the conjugation site and the steric hindrance that the R6G experienced. This study revealed a difference in the dynamic property between bulk solvent and the hydration layer of actin.

Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.12, pp. 87-102


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