
Call for Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University

2022 June 06 JOBS

Prof. Chun-Biu Li is seeking Postdoctoral Fellow candidates for the project of Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Molecular Machines.

Closing date: 1 July 2022.

Project description The position will be associated with the project “Understanding how molecular machines utilize stochasticity to promote function” supported by the Carl Tryggers Foundation. The goals of project include 1) understanding the statistical properties of fluctuations directly from empirical molecular data; 2) inferring stochastic models describing the chemical mechanical couplings in motor proteins; and 3) studying theoretically and computationally the dynamical and energetic signatures of motor proteins operating at different conditions to highlight the constructive roles of fluctuation to promote function.

The postdoctoral researcher is expected to closely collaborate with the research group of Prof. Hiroyuki Noji in Tokyo University throughout the project.

For details, see the attachment.

The attachment link.

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