2022 May 30 JOBS
Job Type:
Associate Professor, Full-time (Tenure-track)
Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Research Field:
Bioengineering in a broad sense, including bioinformatics/computational biology
Successful applicant will have the following qualifications.
1) The applicant holds a doctoral degree or a Ph.D.
2) The applicant has completed over five years of higher education (Bachelor/Master/Ph.D.) abroad, and/or over five years of research experience (as a post-doc or researcher) at a university or research institute(s) in a foreign country (meaning outside of Japan). Joint appointments, leave from a Japanese position, on-duty period, and similar dual appointment periods are not to be counted.
3) The applicant will be within ten years after obtaining her/his doctoral degree (Ph.D.) at the time of appointment
4) Ability to conduct international joint research and to publish internationally co-authored
5) Enthusiasm and ability to obtain extramural research funds, including funds from non-Japanese countries for international collaboration.
6) Japanese proficiency is not required at the time of appointment.
Selection policy:
TUAT's selection process emphasizes the following criteria:
- The candidate has produced internationally recognized research and has outstanding achievements in the field of biotechnology.
- The candidate will contribute to the education in our department both at the undergraduate and the graduate level. Educational duties will include classes in the international section.
- The candidate's research shall have a strong societal impact.
- The candidate is expected to contribute to international joint research and actively produce internationally co-authored high-impact papers.
TUAT is committed to promoting diversity, and the search committee is actively seeking applications from young non-Japanese scientists.
As a startup fund, the appointee will be provided with 9 million yen (4.5 million yen for the first year and another 4.5 million yen for the second year). Independent research space (lab) will be provided.
Funds for hiring a part-time administrative assistant (group/lab secretary) will be provided. TUAT will provide support to the appointee in improving his/her Japanese language proficiency during the tenure-track period.
Starting date:
Between December 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023 (the end of the Japanese fiscal year), and decided on a joint agreement.
Term of position:
Five years (Tenure-track program)
The appointee's performances will be reviewed twice during the tenure track period: In the third and the fifth years after the appointment. The review will be carried out by intra- and extramural committees and according to the TUAT's tenure-track program's rule (http://www.tenure-track-tuat.org/en). Appointees with promising and significant research accomplishments will receive tenure based on the review.
As a potential tenured faculty member, the appointee will be responsible for the education of
TUAT students. Therefore, the responsibilities will include giving class(es) in her/his field of expertise both at the undergraduate and graduate levels and supervising graduate students.
Koganei Campus, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan
Appointees will receive a five-year contract. The annual salary will range from approximately 6,300,000 to 7,000,000 yen. This is roughly equivalent to the salary of tenured associate professors, and the exact amount is determined based on the TUAT regulations, considering the appointee's previous career and achievements.
Application materials:
(1) Curriculum Vitae (with photo, contact address, E-mail address)
(2) List of publications (Journal papers, Books, International conference proceedings indicate reviewed or not reviewed. Prepare separate list for each items)
(3) List of achievements: Patents, Awards, Research grants, etc..
(4) Copies of representative publications (within three copies)
(5) Summary of previous research contributions (up to 1 page)
(6) Research plan (up to 1 page)
(7) Educational commitment (up to 1 page)
(8) Two letters of reference with an E-mail address.
A single PDF file (under 50 MB) that contains the above documents should be sent by e-mail to the contact e-mail address below. The application materials will be used for the selection process only and will not be returned. The subject line of the e-mail should be "Application for Associate Professor".
Application deadline:
July 31, 2022 (Deadline for receipt)
After receiving the application materials, the selected candidates will be interviewed at TUAT on August 22, 2022 (tentative) with Zoom.
Contact details:
Prof. Kazunori Ikebukuro
Department of Life science and Biotechnology
Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16, Nakacho, Koganei 184-8588 Tokyo, Japan
Please use at sign instead of (at).