
An article with the title "Mathematical model of chromosomal dynamics during DNA double strand break repair in budding yeast" by Shinjiro Nakahata, Tetsushi Komoto, Masashi Fujii, Akinori Awazu is published.

2022 April 20 BPPB

A following article is published in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".

Shinjiro Nakahata, Tetsushi Komoto, Masashi Fujii, Akinori Awazu
"Mathematical model of chromosomal dynamics during DNA double strand break repair in budding yeast"

Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most serious types of DNA damage. From yeast to human, eukaryotes have evolved widely conserved molecular machineries and processes to recognize and repair DNA damage. During the repair process, the drastic changes in chromosome conformations with increased mobility of damaged loci have also been commonly observed among eukaryotes. Various molecular roles were clarified in last two decades, but physical mechanism of chromosome-scale dynamics remained unclear. The present study developed mathematical models of DSB-damaged yeast chromosomes considering DSB-induced local chromatin state changes and revealed physical mechanisms of such dynamical intranuclear processes.

Biophysics Physicobiology, 2022, Volume 19, Article ID: e190012


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