2022 January 08 BPPB
A following article is published in "Biophysics and Physicobiology".
Takashi Kikukawa
"Unique Cl– pump rhodopsin with close similarity to H+ pump rhodopsin"
Microbial rhodopsin is a photoreceptive protein with various functions. These proteins are considered to evolve from H+ pump-type rhodopsin through extensive optimization of the residues and structures to achieve their respective functions. However, this is not the case for the third Cl– pump rhodopsin, which seems to be a Cl– pump that just differentiated from the H+ pump and has not fully optimized into a mature Cl– pump. Indeed, this Cl– pump was converted into a H+ pump by only single amino acid replacement. The third Cl– pump might be a model protein to analyze the process of functional differentiation.
Biophysics Physicobiology, 2021, Volume 18, Pages 317-326